Almost in Sotogrande, new website

I was within inches of a fully paid-for (including return flight) delivery trip to Sotogrande, Spain, however minutes ago it fell through due to the owner trying to seek compensation from another delivery company. So very disappointing... It could have been a 2000+ mile addition to my log book too - I am at the top of the list for the next opportunity though, so fingers crossed on something happening in the future. I even just traveled across Berlin to buy new sailing pants! So in light of this fiasco, I'm now arriving in England three days earlier than planned, on the 2nd of May. In other news, please say hello to my new site. I hope it's working for you, and if it isn't, I suggest a Shift+Refresh in your browser. I took a lot of advice from the wonderful SEO Clinic review from, so I hope the site is easier to read, and less cluttered. I've also centred the design for higher resolution browsers, moved the navigation around, and shown my sponsors more prominence on the page. On the left-hand side is also the addition of my Twitter updates - This is really just a silly addition to see how it goes - Think of it as a mini-blog (140characters or less) that I'll be updating daily. Thank you also to Ahmed Bilal for the technical assistance on getting the new site up.

There are still a lot of ideas I'd like to implement, and further suggestions from my review, however I've done my best in this revision. A lot more will come, including some new revenue generation and charity fundraising ideas. For now though, it's time for me to pack my bags and get ready for my new life aboard, starting this Wednesday!


P.S If you have a website and you'd like to 'trade links' please contact me and I can add you to my new links page (a rather bare one at the moment!)