Atlantic Fundraising, Vancouver

I promised in my last post, I'd write from Vancouver... Yet I'm quickly running out of anything sailing related to write about, and so it took for the trip back to find any inspiration, or rather to stop and think (not that I really ever did think of anything sailing related to write about...But). However, I've finally managed to make good on my promise to spend the money raised during my Atlantic crossing on purchasing a bridge in rural Cambodia. If you're interested, visit my first post about the project to find more. Thank you so much to everyone who helped me, support someone else. I plan to continue my fundraising efforts on all solo passages over 1000nm - I just need to get back out to sea!

Oxfam Bridges for Cambodia Receipt

On the topic of fundraising, this Saturday is the day of a fundraising event to help me truck Constellation across America: Yes, that crazy plan is still on the cards. I'll write all about it post-party, as well as provide more detail on what is actually going on with the idea.

So I went to Canada to be best man at a wedding, which was quite an experience... My duties successfully completed, I've made it all the way back to New York, via one of the longest routes possible. I must have easily completed my entire sailing mileage on a single round trip to Canada!

Vancouver via Los Angeles
Super Snow
Searching for Salmon

Arriving at Vancouver airport at 5am, I arrived back in New York by 11pm - Ok, so there is a time difference.. But only of three hours! (I should have sailed). Out of the airport I had the great fortune of the taxi getting a flat tire.

Changing tire, NYC taxi

Picked up by another taxi, the voyage continued, and I write to you from Brooklyn... Where not a lot of sailing happens. There is a nice picture of a Veolia Oceans one-design (Constellation II?) on my desktop though, which is about as close to sailing I'll be getting for awhile...

Next post to include video from my Atlantic crossing, as well as a report on the fundraising event!
