Between Home - Premier

Six years ago I started working on a dream to sail most of the way around the world. It was very hard. I didn't really know how to sail that well. I had no money. I was living in a country where I couldn't speak the language. The odds were against the entire project. Nature was against it. Friends were against it. Family were against it. Pure economics were against it. So what does one do? Sail on! In a bar one night, I met a fellow Australian. His name was Jack. I told him about this ridiculous idea I had... And a week or two later he started filming. Why not? If I failed, it would have been interesting. If it was a success, it would have been even more interesting.

Jack, with as little money as me, kept filming, and this month, two years after I finished sailing and sold my beloved boat Constellation, his film will set sail and begin a life of its own.

Unfortunately due to money, I am unable to attend, however I hope my German friends will get the opportunity to be there on my behalf. Be sure to say hello to my good friend Jack, and please buy him some rum, he needs it. It's been a hard slog for everyone... Albeit a crazy, enjoyable, mad, wild, insane, and life affirming one. Thank you to everyone for working so hard on making this small idea, into a story which will be shared forever.

I've seen this film. And it is a very hard film for me to watch. It's highly personal. It's 95mins of Nick. I hear myself, I see myself, I see my mistakes and my weaknesses. There are many things you will learn about me as a person, and about my trip that you didn't know before. I hope those who are able to attend will enjoy it.

For those not in Berlin, soon enough it will be available to everyone to see via the official website, (hopefully) next month. Stay tuned!
