Unlikely Critique - Zizek on the cloud

One person I didn't expect to be critiquing the cloud, is Slovenian cultural theorist, Slavoj Žižek:

"True, cloud computing offers individual users an unprecedented wealth of choice — but is this freedom of choice not sustained by the initial choice of a provider, in respect to which we have less and less freedom? Partisans of openness like to criticise China for its attempt to control internet access — but are we not all becoming involved in something comparable, insofar as our “cloud” functions in a way not dissimilar to the Chinese state?"

This is really important.

And it's one reason why we're fighting the good fight @ Dynomesh - To provide independent cloud computing, which is unhindered by large corporate control and pointy haired men in suits, while staying onshore and agile. #winning.

Read the full article.
